11ft tall 25000lbs 30ft long
I write it as 1,140,000,000,000 as I use the long scale (as used in Europe) Others write it as 1,140,000,000 as they use the short scale (as used in USA).
I write it as 37000463011406 (as I use the long scale). Some people would write it as 37463011406 (as they use the short scale).
The greatest common factor (GCF), also known as the greatest common divisor (GCD), represents the largest number that divides into each member of a set of numbers. Smaller GCFs can be quickly calculated using the prime factors of each number, but calculating large GCFs the same way is sometimes difficult. An algorithm devised by Euclid, (the ladder) lets you find the GCF of any number without extensive factoring. All you need is the ability to do long division.
Using long division, divide the numerator by the denominator.
Euclid's Elements is a treatise on plane geometry, that is, the geometry of figures in a plane, which is two-dimensional.As much as mathematics has advanced, we're never going to discard two-dimensional mathematics, since the three-dimensional world we live in is just an extension of it.So, no, Euclid's Elements is not now, nor will it ever be, "outdated." Its geometry will continue to be taught to elementary school children as long as humans persist.
If you are asking about Long Beach, CA and Euclid, OH, the shortest distance is 2,368 miles.
It had taken him atleast 5 years to write one book.
The answer to this question depends on the book.
The longest period it has taken to write a book was 10 years. War and peace.
The Book of Revelation in the Bible is thought to have been written around 96 A.D. There is no conclusive school of thought as to how long it took to actually write the book.
14 years
nelson Mandela write the book long walk to freedom because he wants to show people that you can fight in what you belive in
2 hours
1 year
exactly 12 years!
it depends on how long each book is and the time you out into it each day