Assuming no repeated digits, lowest first, 20; in any order 120; Allowing repeated digits: 216
Number of 7 digit combinations out of the 10 one-digit numbers = 120.
There are 840 4-digit combinations without repeating any digit in the combinations.
There are 210 4 digit combinations and 5040 different 4 digit codes.
Just one. unless you count 123456 different from 132456 then there are 46656 * * * * * But you cannot count 123456 as different from 132456 since it is NOT a different combination. And the question was about combinations.
If no repetition, 6! ie 720; if repetition allowed, 66 ie 46656.
Assuming no repeated digits, lowest first, 20; in any order 120; Allowing repeated digits: 216
Number of 7 digit combinations out of the 10 one-digit numbers = 120.
There are 840 4-digit combinations without repeating any digit in the combinations.
There are 5,040 combinations.
120 combinations using each digit once per combination. There are 625 combinations if you can repeat the digits.
There are 210 4 digit combinations and 5040 different 4 digit codes.
the answer is = first 2-digit number by using 48= 28,82 and in 3 digit is=282,228,822,822
There are twelve possible solutions using the rule you stated.
Just one. unless you count 123456 different from 132456 then there are 46656 * * * * * But you cannot count 123456 as different from 132456 since it is NOT a different combination. And the question was about combinations.
Just the one. The order of the numbers does not matter in a combination so that 123456 is the same combination as 245136.
if its not alphanumeric, 999999 variations