how many numbers exactly have 4 digits ? 8900, 8999, 9000, 9999
There are 90 of them.
Assuming that 001, 080, etc are not allowed (that is a leading zero or two is not permitted), the smallest number with exactly three digits is 100. The largest number with exactly three digits is 999. So there are 999 - 100 + 1 = 900 numbers with exactly three digits.
There are nine numbers which contain only one digit. There are 90 numbers which contain two digits. There are 900 numbers which contain three digits. There is one number which contains four digits.Therefore, the number of digits is equal to (9x1)+(90x2)+(900x3)+4 = 2893 digits. If this includes spaces, there would be 999 spaces, therefore there would be 3892 keystrokes.
900 of them.
Zero; all six digit numbers have six digits. Dude.. i m asking 6 digit numbers, containing only 4 different digits..!! e.g.:123412.. with only 2 digits repeated..!! My guess is: 10*9*8*7*4*3 but I'm also guessing that is wrong- sorry!
how many numbers exactly have 4 digits ? 8900, 8999, 9000, 9999
how many other fact families with dividends under 100 contain exactly three different digits? Name one multiplication fact in each of these families
90 of them.
There are 90 of them.
Since the numbers begin with 123, they all contain a 3. As a result, they all "contain 3 or 7". So the remaining 4 digits can be any digits and this gives 104 = 10,000 such numbers.
There are exactly 14 digits on the Diner's Club Credit Card. Some other credit cards may contain only 14 digits, but usually there are 16 digits found on a credit card.