A "quart" is a measure of volume. You can not equate a volume with a weight unless you know the density of the material. Apples are not of uniform density and there will be gaps between the apple slices. Therefore we can not give you a precise answer on the information presented in your question.
2 apples.
1 US quart is 946.353mL
How many cups are there in a pint
you have 2 apples
1 quart = 4 cups 3 quarts = 12 cups It doesn't matter what you are measuring, apples are the same as anything else.
A "quart" is a measure of volume. You can not equate a volume with a weight unless you know the density of the material. Apples are not of uniform density and there will be gaps between the apple slices. Therefore we can not give you a precise answer on the information presented in your question.
There is one quart in a quart .
About half of a quart jar. Removing skin and core, and cooking down, the volume of the apple is reduced quite a bit.
One quart equals a quart
There are 32 ounces in a quart.
4 cups
2 apples.
Well, honey, if you take two apples from a pile of seven, you're left with two apples. I mean, it's not rocket science. Math doesn't have to be complicated, darling. Just count the darn apples!
32 ounces in a quart.
There are two pints in a quart.
Four cups are in a quart.