Oh, what a happy little question! To find the number of combinations in 21 numbers, we can use a formula called combinations. It's like mixing colors on your palette - each combination is unique and beautiful in its own way. So, for 21 numbers, the number of combinations would be calculated using the formula nCr = n! / r!(n-r)!. Just remember, there's no mistakes, just happy little accidents in math!
There are 12 different combinations of 3 positive odd numbers that add up to 21. Namely: (There are many permutations of these combinations.) 1,1,9 1,3,17 1,5,15 1,7,13 1,9,11 3,3,15 3,5,13 3,7,11 3,9,9 5,5,11 5,7,9 7,7,7
There are 167960 combinations.
There are 10,737,573 combinations and you must think I am mad if you think I am going to list them!
You can make 5 combinations of 1 number, 10 combinations of 2 numbers, 10 combinations of 3 numbers, 5 combinations of 4 numbers, and 1 combinations of 5 number. 31 in all.
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There are 21 combinations.
There is 1 combinations with 7 numbers in them,7 combinations with 1 or 6 numbers in them,21 combinations with 2 or 5 numbers in them,35 combinations with 3 or 4 numbers in them.Notionally, there is also one combination with no numbers in it.In all then, there are 128 ( = 27) combinations.There is 1 combinations with 7 numbers in them,7 combinations with 1 or 6 numbers in them,21 combinations with 2 or 5 numbers in them,35 combinations with 3 or 4 numbers in them.Notionally, there is also one combination with no numbers in it.In all then, there are 128 ( = 27) combinations.There is 1 combinations with 7 numbers in them,7 combinations with 1 or 6 numbers in them,21 combinations with 2 or 5 numbers in them,35 combinations with 3 or 4 numbers in them.Notionally, there is also one combination with no numbers in it.In all then, there are 128 ( = 27) combinations.There is 1 combinations with 7 numbers in them,7 combinations with 1 or 6 numbers in them,21 combinations with 2 or 5 numbers in them,35 combinations with 3 or 4 numbers in them.Notionally, there is also one combination with no numbers in it.In all then, there are 128 ( = 27) combinations.
There are 23C3 = 23!/(20!*3!) = 23*22*21/(3*2*1) = 1,771 combinations.
how many combinations of 4 numbers are there in 7 numbers
There are 12 different combinations of 3 positive odd numbers that add up to 21. Namely: (There are many permutations of these combinations.) 1,1,9 1,3,17 1,5,15 1,7,13 1,9,11 3,3,15 3,5,13 3,7,11 3,9,9 5,5,11 5,7,9 7,7,7
Only three: 12, 13 and 23. Remember that the combinations 12 and 21 are the same.
There are: 9C6 = 84 combinations
There are an infinite number of combinations where this could be the answer.
Oh honey, you're asking about combinations now? Buckle up, buttercup. There are a whopping 1,947,792 combinations of 6 numbers chosen from 1 to 36. That's a whole lot of possibilities, but hey, someone's gotta win the lottery, right?
There are 167960 combinations.
It depends on combinations with how many numbers. There is only one combination of 99 numbers taken from 99.
There are 125970 combinations and I am not stupid enough to try and list them!