

Best Answer

You can make

5 combinations of 1 number,

10 combinations of 2 numbers,

10 combinations of 3 numbers,

5 combinations of 4 numbers, and

1 combinations of 5 number.

31 in all.

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Q: How many combinations can you make with the numbers 2 3 6 7 and 8?
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Their is 25 combinations

How many 2 number combinations can you make with six numbers?

Assuming that the six numbers are different, the answer is 15.

How many numbers can you make with 3 7 8 9?

14 * * * * * Wrong! There are 15. 4 combinations of 1 number, 6 combinations of 2 number, 4 combinations of 3 numbers, and 1 combination of 4 numbers.

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The rearrangement of 5 figure numbers will be 5x4x3x2x1 which is 120 combinations, when you don't repeat a number.

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There are 8*7/(2*1) = 28 combinations.

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There are 11C2 = 11*10/(2*1) = 55 combinations.

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You would get 4!/2! = 12 combinations.

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How many combinations of 3 numbers are there in 32 numbers what are these combinations?

There are 32C3 = 32*31*30/(3*2*1) = 4960 combinations. I do not have the inclination to list them all.

How many combinations can you make with three numbers?

You can make 6 combinations with 3 numbers. They are: 123 213 312 132 231 321 * * * * * NO! Those are permutations! In combitorials, the order does not matter so that the combination 123 is the same as the combination 132 etc. So all of the above comprise just 1 combination. With three numbers you can have 1 combination of three numbers (as discussed above), 3 combinations of 2 numbers (12, 13 and 23) 3 combinations of 1 number (1, 2 and 3) In all, with n numbers you can have 2n - 1 combinations. Or, if you allow the null combination (that consisting of no numbers) you have 2n combinations.

How many different combinations can you make out of 2 different things?

Two make combinations you would take 2x1=2 combinations only