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That depends on what kind of bills you're using. Assume you've more money than brains for a moment and say that it's one trillion in ones.

According to a search online, a dollar bill is .0047 inches wide. My math may be off here, but that would be 4,700,000,000 inches, or 391,666,667 feet, or 7,479.2929 miles.

Again, that's with ones. It'd be different if you used more expensive bills.

Let's hope this helps for now.

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Q: How many miles would a trillion dollars stack?
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How high would a stack of 100.00 dollars bills be to equal one trillion dollars?

The stack would be about 678.66 miles high.

How high would a trillion dollars in one dollar bills be stacked?

A trillion dollars USD (1 x 10^12 dollars), in a stack with $233 to the inch, would reach a height of more than 67,000 miles (67,737 miles).

How would you demonstrate a trillion dollars?

To demonstrate a trillion dollars, you could start by understanding that a trillion is 1,000 billion or 1,000,000 million. If you were to stack one trillion one-dollar bills, the stack would reach approximately 67,866 miles high, which is almost three times the distance from the Earth to the International Space Station. Another way to visualize a trillion dollars is to consider that if you spent $1 million every day, it would take you almost 3,000 years to spend a trillion dollars.

One trillion dollars in one hundred dollar bills would be how high?

Back in the late 1970s I actually saw a hundred thousand dollar bill. If they still made them our stack would not be that high even for a trillion dollars since it would only take ten million of them to make a trillion dollars. But even that stack would be a sight to behold. But they stopped making that domination of bill back in the mid 1960s, 1964 I think. On our way to how high the stack would be in 100 dollars bills for the trillion dollars, most paper money (though it is not made out of paper these days), is .0043 inches thick, so one trillion in 100s would be a stack that contains 10 billion bills. The stack would be 678 MILES thick/high. It works out something like this: 10,000,000,000 times .0043 equals 43,000,000 inches which equals 3,583,333 feet which equals 678.66 MILES. If it was 50s the stack would be twice as high or 1357.32 MILES. If its 20s the stack would be 3393.30 MILES high. In 10s it would be twice as high as the previous or 6786.60 MILES and in one dollar bills it would be ten times higher or 67866 Miles high. So in Ben Franklins the stack would be 100 times smaller 678.66 Miles high. That amount in the value of the National Debt would be a stack 10179.92 MILES high. All figures are rounded to the second decimal point.

How high is a stack of 700 billion dollars?

If they are one-dollar notes, the stack would be 47.51 miles high.

How tall is a trillion dollars?

If using $1,000.00 bill, one million would be 4 inches. A trillion would be about 63 miles.

How much money in a stack of hundred dollar bills one mile high?

$1,389,473,684.20 Assuming that a single bill is 0.0043 inches thick. You would have to have a stack of 100's 10,795.45 miles high to equal the United States national debt of 15 trillion dollars.

How big is a million dollars?

Based on the research done here ( A million dollars worth of $100 bills makes a stack about 40 inches high! If you do the math, that means a Billion is 3,333 feet high and a trillion dollars would make a stack over 3 million feet tall or roughly 630 miles high!!!

How many miles in the air would a trillion dollars go if stacked with 100 dollar bills?

Oh, dude, let me break it down for you. So, a stack of a trillion dollars in 100 dollar bills would be about 789 miles high. That's like stacking cash all the way from New York City to Chicago. Just imagine the view from up there, right?

How many pennies in a trillion dollars?

There are 100 pennies in a dollar, so to find out how many pennies are in a trillion dollars, you would multiply 100 by 1 trillion. This calculation results in 100,000,000,000,000 (100 trillion) pennies in a trillion dollars.

What is bigger than 999 trillion dollars?

1000 trillion dollars is bigger than 999 trillion dollars. 1,000 trillion is also called one quadrillion.

How far would a trillion dollars reach?

If you mean 1,000,000,000,000 US dollars end to end, then a trillion dollars would reach 6,410,000,000 inches, or 511,666,666,666 feet.