There are 10000 because there is 0001 to 9999 and then there is 0000.
There are 3168 such numbers.
There are 2828 integers between 1000 and 9999.
4000 of them.
If by "between" you mean "between but not including", then the answer is 9999 - 999 - 1 = 8999.If on the other hand, you mean to include both 9999 and 999, then the answer is 9999 - 999 + 1 = 9001.
Infinitely many. There are, in fact, infinitely many numbers between any two numbers.
You start with 0001 and count your way up to 9999.There's a good reason that they're not listed here for you. There are quitea goodly number of them. Let's figure out how many there are, shall we ?.0001 to .9999 . . . . . 9,999 numbers1.001 to 9.999 . . . . . 8,999 numbers10.01 to 99.99 . . . . . 8,999 numbers100.1 to 999.9 . . . . . 8,999 numbers1000 to 9999 . . . . . . 9,000 numbersTotal . . . . . 45,996 numbers that require 4 digits
There are 10000 because there is 0001 to 9999 and then there is 0000.
10^4 or 10,000, assuming that 0000 is a valid number. 0000, 0001, 0002, ..., 9997, 9998, 9999.
10000 ; This may look to be wrong but you can have 0001 to 9999 which gives you 9999 different combinations of 4 digits, plus another one for 0000.
There are 3168 such numbers.
If you count 0000 to 9999 you have 10,000. For whole numbers you have 9999. * * * * * Not sure about "whole" numbers. There are 10,000 in all, of which 9000 (from 1000 to 9999) do not have leading 0s.