Number of 7 digit combinations out of the 10 one-digit numbers = 120.
The digit 7 in the number 71 is in the tens place. In a two-digit number like 71, the rightmost digit is in the ones place and the leftmost digit is in the tens place. Therefore, the place value of the digit 7 in the number 71 is 70, which represents 7 tens.
3 periods
Six of them.
Number of 7 digit combinations out of the 10 one-digit numbers = 120.
There is no result: all you have is a 7-digit number.There is no result: all you have is a 7-digit number.There is no result: all you have is a 7-digit number.There is no result: all you have is a 7-digit number.
The digit 7 in the number 71 is in the tens place. In a two-digit number like 71, the rightmost digit is in the ones place and the leftmost digit is in the tens place. Therefore, the place value of the digit 7 in the number 71 is 70, which represents 7 tens.
6*7*7 = 294
98 is the largest two digit number divisible by 7.