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There is no simple formula for that; I suggest you look up the prime numbers in a table of prime numbers, analyzing each prime number in the range 10-99 whether it fulfills this specific criterion.

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Q: How many two-digit primes are there whose units digit is less than its ten digits?
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42.21 or 84.42

If The tens digit is twice the units digits and the units digit is the same as the tenths digit the hundredths digit is half the tenths digit?

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The last two digits (the tens and units) are divisible by 4.This is equivalent to the following two conditions:If the tens digit is even, the units digit must be 0, 4 or 8If the tens digit is odd, the units digit must be 2 or 6For divisibility by 9, calculate the digital root: this is the sum of all the digits in the number. Repeat with the digits of this number - and keep repeating until you are down to a single digit. It that is 9, then the number is divisible by 9 and if not, it is not.

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I am a three digit number. all of my digit is multiples of 2. my hundreds digit is the lowest even number. the sum of my digits is 16. the units digit is the same as the difference between my hundreds and tens digits.

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What fraction of the primes between one and hundred have 3 as its units digit?

They are: 3 13 23 43 53 73 and 83 which as a fraction is 7/25 because there are 25 primes between one and a hundred