100$ haha jk i really dont no sorry!
There are 42 gallons of crude in a barrel and a barrel runs about $80, so a gallon of crude cost about $2, but there are a lot of things in that barrel besides gasoline.
It will cost about 1,040 dollars.
$1.25 per US gallon equates to about 33 cents per liter.
It depends on how much a gallon of gasoline costs you. If you pay $2.75 per gallon, the 2,500 mile trip would cost about $491.07 at 14 mpg.
If gas is $4 per gallon, it will cost $4 x 24 / 12 = $8
.32 per gallon
You can get sunflower oil from WalMart for less than $12 for a gallon.
.5 cents. which means 5 cents a gallon
$0.90 cents per gallon
When I was a teenager in the mid 50's I remember gasoline was .25 - 30 cents a gallon so probably a barrel of oil was in the $10 range.
In a simple illustration, let's assume an oil company is paying $100 for a barrel (42 gallons) of basic crude oil. Their cost for a gallon will be about $2.38. At a gasoline-pump price of $4.00 per gallon. so, result comes as cost of converting one gallon crude oil is $1.62 (4.00-2.38=1.62).
It cost $1.34 per gallon.
At $3.00/gallon, it will cost $72.
I don't remember, but, I know for a 10 gallon imperial tank of gas, it cost me $ 4.50 cdn. Now, those were the days.
$2.03 a gallon in June 2004 The price of Crude oil hovered between $58 - $68 dollar's per barrel