There are large mineral deposits of rhodochrositei in Argentina, but nevertheless, it is not so easy to find. The value often depends on its color, in this case, how red it is. You'll find it sometimes in a rock shop or mineral store. ROCK STAR CRYSTALS in NYC has a large selection of rhodochrosite of specimens and jewelry. Go to the shop and check out their prices
How much does a sheet of Masonite cost
It cost infinite.
how much does a 6 pounds of apples cost
1,000,000 dollar for a ounce
Rhodochrosite is formed through the combination of manganese and carbonate minerals under low-temperature hydrothermal conditions. These minerals precipitate out of solutions rich in manganese within cavities of rocks or in veins. Over time, the material solidifies into rhodochrosite crystals.
Rhodochrosite is not considered toxic, as it is a mineral composed of manganese carbonate. However, it is always a good idea to handle minerals with care and wash your hands after handling them.
Rhodochrosite is typically pink, ranging from pale to deep reddish-pink. It often has banding or swirls of white, gray, or brown.
Colorado's State Mineral is rhodochrosite.
In Igneous, Metamorphic, and Sedimentary rocks.
These minerals are examples of carbonates. Carbonates are minerals composed of carbonate ions (CO3^2-) combined with metal cations, such as calcium, magnesium, and manganese in the case of calcite, dolomite, and rhodochrosite, respectively.
Calcite belongs to the carbonates.
Because while the mineral is found worldwide, large red crystals of rhodochrosite are only found in a few places on Earth, the largest one known to have been found in the Sweet Home Mine near Alma, Colorado
Many minerals are pink, eg: calcite, fluorite, rhodonite, rhodochrosite, sapphire, spinel, etc.
Rhodochrosite is most commonly found in metamorphic rocks, such as marble and skarn deposits. It can also be found in hydrothermal veins associated with other minerals like sulfides.
White, but i have no idea why or how, it is used in white pencils replacing graphite and is used to write on black paper