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Q: How much is 0.78 inch on a ruler?
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How much is 0.83 on a ruler?

0.83 on a ruler would typically be between the 3/4 inch mark and the 7/8 inch mark.

What fractional parts are on a six inch ruler?

inch ruler

How much does a twelve inch ruler weigh using grams?

It depends on what the ruler's made out of. A plastic ruler would inevitably weigh less than a steel ruler.

What is the difference between an inch ruler and a centimeter ruler?

an inch ruler is 2.5cm and a cm is the same but smaller.....saichona

How much is 0.2047 Inches on a ruler?

It's almost exactly 1/5 of the way from the beginning of the ruler to the 1-inch mark.

What is 8.3 on a inch ruler?

The answer depends on the measurement units used for 8.3

How big is .39 on a ruler?

That depends on the ruler. If you refer to a 1 foot ruler, divided in inches and sub-inch divisions, then 0.39 inch is a more than a quarter inch, and less than a half inch.

Where On a ruler where would five eights of an inch be?

Five eighths of an inch on a ruler would be located between the half-inch mark and the three-quarter inch mark.

What does .39 inch look like on a ruler?

where is .39 on a ruler

What can you measure in an inch?

with a ruler

Describe how to use a ruler to measure to the nearest inch?

It depends on your ruler and what units are on your ruler. To measure to the nearest inch just find the inch measurement and round up or down to get to the nearest inch in your measurement is between two whole numbers.

How many kilograms a 12 inch ruler has?

It depends upon how much the ruler weighs. With the information that you provided, it is impossible to come to an answer. I would suggest that you put the ruler onto a scale, to measure its weight.