Assuming the current date of July 2011, someone born on April 12, 1930 would be 81 years old.
As of 2010, your age would be 80 years old. (2010 minus 1930 = 80).
As of November 2011, someone born on April 12, 1982 will be 29 years old.
As of April 2011, someone born on this date would be 32 years old.
1931 if they have had their birthday already this year. Other wise it would make them born in 1930.
If you were born in 1930, you would be about 84 years old today, in 2014! :)
If you were born June 1930 you will turn 80 in 2010.
As of 2010, your age would be 80 years old. (2010 minus 1930 = 80).
80 Years Old
If I were born in April 1981, I would be 40 years old.
Empress Zauditu of Ethiopia was born on April 29, 1876 and died on April 2, 1930. Empress Zauditu of Ethiopia would have been 53 years old at the time of death or 139 years old today.
If you were born on April 30, 1945, and it is currently 2022, you would be 77 years old.
79/80 depending on month.
You would not be born yet... you wouldint be born because it is not April yet but if it was you would be 1 year old.
Us director Richard Donner is 87 years old (born Richard Schwartzberg, April 24, 1930).
If I was born in April 1990, I would be 31 years old.
You would be 19 years old after April 20 2013.