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Q: How would you place the following number in order by integer and whole numbers -0.462 -56 735 0.326 8321 and 0?
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There is no such thing as a medien. A median of a set of numbers is the middle value when the numbers are placed in ascending (or descending) order. If there are an odd number [2n - 1 where n is an integer >0], of observations that are ordered, then the median is the nth observation. If there are an even number [2n where n is an integer >0], of observations, then the median is the arithmetic mean (average) of the nth and (n+1)th observations.

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NO!!! It is an integer. Casually irrational numbers are those where the decimal digits go to infinity and there is no regular order in the decimal number sequence. pi = 3.1415926.... Is probably the most well known irrational number.

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There are countably infinite rational numbers. That is, it is possible to map each rational number to an integer so that the set has the same number of elements as all integers. This is the lowest order or infinity, Aleph-null. The number of irrationals is a higher order of infinity: 2^(Aleph-null). This is denoted by C, for continuum. There are no orders of infinity between Aleph-null and C.

What is the order from largest to smallest for whole number integers rational numbers natural number irrational numbers and real numbers?

Such numbers cannot be ordered in the manner suggested by the question because: For every whole number there are integers, rational numbers, natural numbers, irrational numbers and real numbers that are bigger. For every integer there are whole numbers, rational numbers, natural numbers, irrational numbers and real numbers that are bigger. For every rational number there are whole numbers, integers, natural numbers, irrational numbers and real numbers that are bigger. For every natural number there are whole numbers, integers, rational numbers, irrational numbers and real numbers that are bigger. For every irrational number there are whole numbers, integers, rational numbers, natural numbers and real numbers that are bigger. For every real number there are whole numbers, integers, rational numbers, natural numbers and irrational numbers that are bigger. Each of these kinds of numbers form an infinite sets but the size of the sets is not the same. Georg Cantor showed that the cardinality of whole numbers, integers, rational numbers and natural number is the same order of infinity: aleph-null. The cardinality of irrational numbers and real number is a bigger order of infinity: aleph-one.

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The nth triangular number is n*(n+1)/2 for n = 1, 2, 3, ...In order to figure out if a given number, K, is triangular or not, you need to be able to solve the quadraticn2 + n - 2k = 0If the solution is a positive integer then the number is a triangular number.

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A number with 22 DIGITS (not numbers) is of the order of a sextillion.

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If the variable (x) in a polynomial of order k is replaced by 10, you will get a decimal integer of k digits. If x is replaced by 16 you will get a whole number in hexadecimal, comprising k digits.

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There are more than a math term that use "order". They are:the cardinality or the number of elements in the set in group theory.the smallest positive integer n such that aⁿ = identity.a sub-ring of the ring that satisfies some conditions:That given ring is a ring which is finite-dimensional algebra over the rational number field.The sub-ring spans over the rational root field, such the product of rational number field and the sub-ring is the ring.The sub-ring is the positive-integer lattice of the ring.

What are the differences of rational numbers and irrational numbers?

Rational and irrational numbers are both real numbers. Rational numbers are those that can be expressed as a ratio of two integers, a/b where b is not 0. An irrational number cannot. Equivalently, a rational number can be expressed as a terminating or recurring decimal, an irrational number cannot. Or more generally, a rational number can be expressed as a terminating or recurring sequence of digits in any integer base (eg binary or hexadecimal), an irrational number cannot. Although there are an infinite number of rationals and irrationals, the order of infinity of irrationals is greater.