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That will depend on their dimensions which have not been given.

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Q: If There are two rectangles a triangle and half a circle what is total area?
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Which area is bigger a circle with a diameter of 10 feet or a triangle with an area of 100 sq ft?

Use the standard formula to calculate the area of the circle, then you can compare with the area given for the triangle. Note 1: The formula for a circle is: area = pi x radius squared Note 2: The radius is half the diameter

What is the area enclosed by a chord of a circle?

The area enclosed by a chord is equal to the area enclosed by a segment minus the area enclosed by the triangle with the same corners as the segment. To visualise it, draw a circle and put a chord on it. Label the chord AB and the centre of the circle C. The area of sector AB equal to the area of sector ABC minus the area of triangle ABC.

How do you find the area of a segment of a circle if the radius of the circle and the chord of the segment each have length 12?

There must be an equilateral triangle within the sector of the circle and so:- Area of sector: 60/360*pi*12*12 = 75.39822369 Area of triangle: 0.5*12*12*sin(60 degrees) = 62.35382907 Area of segment: 75.39822369-62.35382907 = 13.04439462 or about 13 square units

How do you find the area of a 7 sided shape?

You have to subdivide the shape into squares and rectangles Square & Rectangle= Length X Width Triangle= Base X Height

A triangle has a base of 10 centimeters and a height of 7 centimeters Which is the total area of the triangle?

The formula to calculate the area of a triangle is Half (Base x Height). So 10 x 7 = 70 and 70 divided by 2 = 35. The area of the triangle is 35 square centimeters.

Related questions

There are two rectangles a triangle and half a circle find the total area?

The answers depend on what measures are available for the rectangles (sides, diagonals), for the triangle (3 sides, 2 sides and included angle, one side and 2 angles), and for the circle (radius, perimeter). In each case the formula to be used will be different.

Can you give me an example of an area of an obtuse angle?

Right triangle square rectangles

Is the area of a triangle 360?

No; triangle = 180, circle = 360.

What is the formula to get the height of a triangle with the area of a circle?

It depends on how the triangle and the circle are related - information that was not provided in the question.

What is the area of a L shaped room?

An L-shaped area can be divided into two rectangles. The total area is the sum of the areas of the two rectangles.

A triangle or a square or a rectangle or a pentagon or a hexagon or an octagon or a circle has the least area and which has the maximum area if the perimeter of each is 44 cm?

Triangle-least area, circle- most area, per given perimeter . The circle would have an area of 154 square cm. the triangle could have an area of almost zero if it were a long, skinny triangle. An equilateral triangle would have an area approx 92.8 sq cm.

How do you figure the square footage of a home?

Model each floor of the house with one or more rectangles, compute the area of each of these rectangles, and sum them to the total square footage. If the shape of you house if really complicated you may have to throw a triangle in there, but most houses can be approximated well enough using rectangles.

How do you you get the measurement of the area?

Rectangle: LxW Triangle:? Circle:?

How do you measure the area of a circle and why does it work?

The area of a circle is equal to that of a triangle whose base has the length of the circle's circumference (distance around the circle) and whose height equals the circle's radius which comes to Pi multiplied by the radius squared. Area of Triangle 1/2 *base*height

What is the area of a square formed by six rectangles, given that the total perimeter of the six rectangles is 330 cm?


Is a sector a portion of a circle's area?

nope a portion of a circles area is a triangle

How do you find an area of a shape?

depends on the shape, if its a square the formula is LW, a rectangle is the same. For a triangle the formula is Lx1/2W. for a trapezium split it into triangles and rectangles and work out the areas before adding them together. for a circle i think its pixrsquared