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Tomasa Crooks

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I have reason to believe it is 1 out of 10.

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Q: If a student guesses on all 5 questions on a tru-false exam what is the probability that he or she gets at least 3 answers correct?
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Students are required to answer 2 True of False questions and 1 multiple choice questions with 4 responses If the answers are all guesses what is the probability of getting all 3 questions correct?

The probability of correct true & false question is 1/2 and the probability correct multiple choice (four answer) question is 1/4. We want the probability of correct, correct, and correct. Therefore the probability all 3 questions correct is 1/2 * 1/2 * 1/4 = 1/16.

What is the probability of getting all five answers correct if i have five multiple choice questions with four possible answers determine the number of possible answers?

The probability will depend on how much you know and the extent of guessing.

There are five questions on a quiz with four possible answers what is the probability you get 100 percent?

Probability of each question correct is 1/4 or 0.25. Since there are 5 questions, raise 0.25 to the 5th power or (0.25)5. So, probability all correct is 0.0009765.

What is the probability that if you just guess on five multiple choice questions each with four possible answers you will get none of the questions correct?

.237 or about 24 %

A test has 2 multiple choice questions each with 3 choices what is the probanility of guessing the correct answers to both questions?

The probability of getting both answers correct is one chance in nine (0.1111+). There are three possible answers for each question, so there is a 1/3 chance of getting the correct answer to one question. To get the correct answer for both questions, the chances are 1/3 x 1/3 or 1/9.

On a true or false quiz with a total of four questions what is the probability of getting all four questions correct given that the answers to the first two questions are correct?

you'd have a 50% chance of getting the 3rd and 4th question correct because you said the first 2 questions are already anwsered correctly :)

A multiple choice quiz consists of 6 questions each with 4 possible answers If a student guesses at the answer to each question then the mean number of correct answers is?

If there are four possible answers to a question, then a guessed answer would have a probability of 1 in 4. If there are six questions, then the mean number of correct answers would be six times 1 in 4, or 1.5

A test has 2 multiple choice questions each with 5 choices what is the probability of guessing the correct answers to both questions?

You have a 4 percent chance of guessing both answers correctly assuming there is only one correct answer to each question and that you may only answer once per question.

In a multiple choice test what is the probability of getting two answers correct?

That depends on how many questions there are, how many choices are listed for each question, and whether any obviously-stupid answers are included among the choices. If any of those factors changes, then the probability changes. One thing we can guarantee, however, even without knowing any of these factors: If you have studied the subject and know the material, then your probability of getting correct answers increases dramatically.

What is the correct way to say include into your credit references the answers to these questions or include in your credit references the answers to these questions?

"Include in your credit references the answers to these questions" is correct. It is more natural, however, to say "Include the answers to these questions in your credit references."

What is the probability of guessing the correct answer to a true false questions?


What is the probability of answering 50 questions right out of 100?

Depends on the questions, and how they are answered. T/F, multiple choice, matching, essay, etc. Could be randomly answering, making educated guesses, or applying some amount of knowledge on the subject. Each of these impacts the probability of supplying correct answers.