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a quick estimate is around 5 as 10 / 2 = 5 (when 1.95 rounded up to 2)

$1.95 = 1 pound (using $ as an example)

to get $1.95 to $1.00 divide both sides by 1.95

$1.00 = $1.95/1.95 = 1/1.95 pound (conversion factor)

so $10 x 1/1.95 = 10/1.95 = 5.128205128205128 pounds

which rounded is 5.13 pounds

Answer: 1/1.95

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Q: If grapes cost 1.95 per pound. What conversion factor could be used to determine how many pounds of grapes could be bought for 10?
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The collective nouns for 'grapes' are a bunch of grapes and a cluster of grapes.

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