If you are now 26 you were born in 1984.
They will be 26 this year.
During the year 2010, someone born in December 1984 is 26 years old.
26 If you're wondering how old someone born in 1984 is, they're 26 if they have had their birthday this year, and 25 if they haven't yet. (e.g. someone born February 1, 1984 will turn 26 on February 1, 2010; if the date is after that, they're 26, if it's before that, they're 25)
half a year
If you are now 26 you were born in 1984.
As today is 1st January 2010 and you are 26 years old you were born in the year 1983.
1990 + 26 = 2016
He Was Born Dec. 26, 1990
He was born December 26, 1791.
he was born on december 26, 1990
he was born in 1985 so he is 26 he was born in Essex
Isis was born November 26, 163.
June 26, 1819.
They will be 26 this year.