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Q: If you are twenty-one years old now what year was you born?
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26 years old what year was you born?

If you are now 26 you were born in 1984.

If you are 34 now what year were you born in if its 2010 now?

If it's the year 2010, and you are 36 years old, you would have been born in 1976.

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If you are 11 years old now then when was you born?

2001 if the year is 2012

If you were 13 years old right now what year were you born?


What year were you born if you were 20 years old?

Right now, it is 2013, so if you are 20 years old, you were born in 1992 or 1993. In general, if a person is 20 years old, that means that they were born in the year (this year minus 20) or (this year minus 21).

What year do you have to be born in to have a gmail account?

Right now you have to be 13 years old to join Gmail. To have an account you must have born 13 years earlier. That means the year of born should be 2002.

What year born in if 35 years old now?

If you've aready had your birthday this year, then 1977. If you haven't then 1978

When did David Henry born?

He was born on July 11th 1989. The year is 2009 and he is now 20 years old.

What year will it be 1000 years from now?

from a thousand years from now the year will be 3013