Since it is (as I type) July 2011, you would reach your 50th birthday this month if you had been born in July 1961.
A person born July 23, 1987 will turn 25 on his birthday in 2012. So if the year is 2012 and it is before his birthday, then he is 24. On July 23, 2012 and after - he is 25.
it would be your 56th birthday
In July 2012, you would be 4 or 5 years old - depending on whether or not you have had your birthday anniversary in 2012.
You would be currently 23 at the time of answering - you would have your 24th birthday later this year (2015)
You turn 37 on your birthday in July 2013.
If you were born in July 2005, and today is before your birthday in July, you would currently be 15 years old. If today is after your birthday in July, you would be 16 years old.
Pavlos Sidiropoulos was born on July 27, 1948.
you are 33
If you were born in December 1976, you would be 45 years old as of December 2021.
35 or 36 depends when your birthday is
Before your birthday in July 2010, you're 67. On your birthday in July 2010, you turn 68.
he was born on the 17th July 1976
On your birthday in 2013, you would turn 37.
At the start of the month you will be 42 and then you will have your 43rd birthday during July 2010 if you were born in July 1967.
Someone born July 11, 1983 would have been 30 on his birthday in 2013, and 35 on his birthday in 2018.
A person born in 1986, should be around 29 years old.