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Q: In data plot most of the data points will lie below the line of best fit?
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In a data plot most of the data points will lie below the line of best fit?

If most of them lie below the line, then that line isn't the best fit. The exact layout depends on what definition you use for "best fit", but any definition will produce a line that has roughly the same number of data points on each side of it.

True or false in a data plot about half the data points will lie below the line of best fit?

True. In a data plot, the line of best fit represents the average trend of the data. Therefore, approximately half of the data points should lie below the line of best fit and half should lie above it if the data is evenly distributed.

In a data plot about half the data points will lie below the line that best fits?

Yes. The exception arises when you have outliers.

What type of graph would be best for data points?

A scatter plot would be best for non-related data points. A line graph would be best for related data points.

Why does best fit line does not touch all data points?

Because the "best fit" line is usually required to be a straight line, but the data points are not all on one straight line. (If they were, then the best-fit line would be a real no-brainer.)

A line that best fits the data points on a scatter plot?

A straight line which best describes the data on a scatter plot is called a "line of best fit". The line could pass through some of the points, all of them, or none of them.

What are the points that don't follow the line of best fit called?

Data points that are not close to the line of best fit are called outliers.

What is a best-fit-line?

A best-fit line is the straight line which most accurately represents a set of data/points. It is defined as the line that is the smallest average distance from the data/points. Refer to the related links for an illustration of a best fit line.

How many data points should a trend line have above and below it?


What is a line graph in which the data points do not fall along a straight line is?

a line of best fit

What is A line graph in which the data points do not fall along a straight line?

a line of best fit

What is a graph in which the data points do not fall along a straight line?

a line of best fit