Because if the remainder is greater, then you could "fit" another divisor value into it. if they are equal, then you can divide it easily. Thus, the remainder is always lower than the divisor.
The remainder is less than the divisor because if the remainder was greater than the divisor, you have the wrong quotient. In other words, you should increase your quotient until your remainder is less than your divisor!
Increase the whole number by 1, and subtract the value of the remainder from the divisor. For example - if you had the total... 99 & 42/29.. you would rewrite it as 100 & 13/29
Multiply the answer (quotient) by the divisor. You should get the dividend.
You multiply the How_do_you_check_the_quotient_from_a_division_problemmy the divisor. If it equals the quoitent you are right. If your problem has a remainder then after multipling the dividend by the divisor, you add the remainder. For example... if you had 100/2(100 divided by 2), you would work it out. You should have 50 as your quoitent. You would do 50x2=100. 100 is the dividend! 103/2 has a remainder. Anyways, your quoitent should be 51R1(fifty-one remainder one). You check it by doing 51x2=102, then 102+1(your reainder). So it is 103.Extra helpful facts:If you have trouble remembering the steps for the traditional way to do division, all you have to do is remember this family: Dad says Dividedivisor), Mom says multiply(Divisor times quoitent so far), sister says subtract (dividend by the number under it), brother says bring down the next number(if there is one), Rover the dog gives the remainder(if there is one). If you don't know how to divide on paper this will NOT work!Read more: How_do_you_check_the_quotient_from_a_division_problem
If the remainder is greater than the divisor then you can divide it once more and get one more whole number and then have less remainders.
The remainder is less than the divisor because if the remainder was greater than the divisor, you have the wrong quotient. In other words, you should increase your quotient until your remainder is less than your divisor!
Because if the remainder is greater, then you could "fit" another divisor value into it. if they are equal, then you can divide it easily. Thus, the remainder is always lower than the divisor.
It must be less else you have not divided properly; you could divide again 1 or more times!If the remainder is equal to the divisor (or equal to a multiple of the divisor) then you could divide again exactly without remainder. If the remainder is greater but not a multiple of the divisor you could divide again resulting in another remainder.E.g. Consider 9/2. This is 4 remainder 1. Let's say our answer was 3 remainder 3; as our remainder "3" is greater than the divisor "2" we can divide again so we have not carried out our original division correctly!
Your quotient that you arrived at is too small. Increase the answer for the quotient, so that the remainder is from zero to (divisor minus one)
It SHOULD always be less than the divisor... Otherwise your answer is wrong.
Then divide the remainder again by the divisor until you get a remainder smaller than your divisor or an remainder equal to zero. The remainder in a division question should never be larger than the "divisor", but the remainder often is larger than the "answer" (quotient). For example, if 435 is divided by 63, the quotient is 22 and the remainder is 57.
Increase the whole number by 1, and subtract the value of the remainder from the divisor. For example - if you had the total... 99 & 42/29.. you would rewrite it as 100 & 13/29
No, because in that case your quotient should be increased by 1 and your remainder should be 0.
The remainder must always be smaller.
No it shouldn't because the divisor should always be bigger.
no. The remainder should be less than the divisor. If you get a remainder of 5 and did not make any other mistake, add one to the quotient and the remainder will be 1.