Well, honey, when you're dealing with fractions, one third doesn't round to 0 or one half. One third is closer to zero than it is to one half, but it's still one third. So, no need to round it off, just keep it as one third and call it a day.
Closer to 1/2
Well, honey, let me break it down for you. One fourth is closer to zero than it is to one half. Think of it like this: if you're walking on a number line, zero is like your next-door neighbor, while one half is a few houses down the street, and one is in a whole other neighborhood. So, one fourth is definitely cozying up to zero more than it is to one half.
We're hoping that nobody ever taught you that every fraction has a "whole number" connected to it somehow. It doesn't. Let's put it as simply as we can: If you have one half of a pizza, then how many whole pizzas is that ? And if you have one half of a dollar, then how many whole dollars is that ? One half is just what it says . . . one half. There is no whole number for it. You'd need to get another half from somewhere and put them together just to make the smallest whole number there is.
number of fourths needed to make 2 whole and one half = 10
One half.
One third is closer to a whole than one quarter, but farther from a whole than one half.
my answer is it closer to 0
1 half
closer to 1/2
3/16 is 0.1875 one half is 0.5, while 2 over 1 is 2. Therefore, one half is closer.
It's closer to one whole. Half would be between 3/7 and 4/7
It is closer to one half.
Two sevenths are closer to a half.
It is closer to a half.
closer to one
It is closer to zero