Yes, 0.23 is greater than 0.2. When comparing decimals, you look at the place value of each digit starting from the left. In this case, both numbers have the same digit in the tenths place (0), but in the hundredths place, 0.23 has a 3 while 0.2 has a 0. Since 3 is greater than 0, 0.23 is greater than 0.2.
Absolutely, friend! When comparing decimals, you want to look at the place value. In this case, 0.23 is greater than 0.2 because 0.23 has a value of two tenths and three hundredths, while 0.2 is just two tenths. It's all about appreciating the little differences that make each number unique, like happy little trees in a painting.
.0123 is closer to zero than .023. If you round it to hundredths, it would be .01 or .02. Its easier to think of this way. 1 is closer to zero than 2.
7.31 is greater than 7.29 by .02. 7.31-7.29=.02
02 is 2. 2 is greater than 0.35 is. If you mean .02 or 0.2, they are both less than 0.35 is.
it is less than
yes, by .02
Yes, .02 > .011
0.02 + 0.02 = 0.04
Yes it is... by 0..02
Yes, 013 > 02
0.03 percent is greater than 0.02 percent.