Rational numbers can be expressed as a terminating or repeating decimal.
Terminating numbers are decimal representations of rational numbers. Nonterminating numbers may or may not be rational numbers.
0.875 is a terminating decimal and as a fraction it is 7/8
It is terminating - after two decimal digits.
Rational numbers can be expressed as a terminating or repeating decimal.
Terminating numbers are decimal representations of rational numbers. Nonterminating numbers may or may not be rational numbers.
All terminating decimal numbers are rational.
No, irrational numbers can't be expressed as a terminating decimal.
Yes, it is.
All irrational numbers have decimal representations which are non-terminating.
They are rational numbers.
They are rational numbers
They are both rational numbers.
A decimal number that has digits that do not go on forever.Example: 0.25
fractions or decimals