

Is 195 divisible by 5

Updated: 4/28/2022
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8y ago

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Yes and it is 195/5 = 39

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Q: Is 195 divisible by 5
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What is divisible by 195?

Multiples of 195.

Is 195 divisible by 10?

All multiples of 10 end in a zero To be divisible by 10, the last digit must by a 0 The last digit of 195 is a 5 which is NOT a 0, so 195 is NOT divisible by 10.

Is 195 a prime number or a composite number?

195 is composite because it is divisible by 5.

Why is 195 and 190 divisible by 5?

Because any number ending with 5 or 0 is divisible by 5 except of course 0 by itself

Is the number 195 divisible by 15?

You can find a common denominator by multiplying together the denominators of your fractions. For example, try 13 * 15 = 195 (you don't need to use the 5 because anything divisible by 15 will also be divisible by 5). You know that 195 is divisible by 13 and 15 (because those are the two numbers you multiplied together to get it), and by 5 because 195 ends in a 5. Now convert the numerators so you have equivalent fractions: 5/13 = 75/195 2/5 = 78/195 7/15 = 91/195 So 7/15 is the greatest. But sometimes it's easier just to convert your fractions to decimals by dividing the numerators by the denominators: 5/13 = .38461538461538 2/5 = .4 7/15 = .46666666666666 (repeating forever)

How can you tell if the number three divides evenly into a number?

if all the digits add up to a number divisible by 3 like 195 195= 1+9+5= 15...15/3=5 so it is divisible by 3

Is 195 divisible by 2?

No - 195/2 = 97.5

Is 195 divisible by 3?

Yes. 195/3=65. 65x3=195.

What three digit number is divisible by 3 and 5 but not divisible by 10?

135. Every increase of 30 is also. Such as 165, 195, 225.

What is 585 divisible by?

585 is divisible by these numbers: 1 3 5 9 13 15 39 45 65 117 195 and 585.

Is 195 not divisible by 3?

well, 1+9=10+5=15, which is divisible by 3, so it should be according to 3's divisabilaty rule.

Can 585 be divided by 3?

Add the digits in 585 i.e. 5+8+5=18 18 is divisible by 3 Therefore, 585 is divisible by 3