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No, it is FALSE.

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Q: Is 4.444 greater than 4.454 a true inequality?
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What inequality is greater than or equal to -5?

An inequality has no magnitude. A number can be greater than or equal to -5, but not an inequality.

What is a math inequality?

An inequality is when a variable and its coeefecient is greater than something. For example, 5x is greater than 2.

How many whole numbers are greater 4444 and less than 9999?

9999 - 4444 = 5555, but you should not count one of them, so the answer is 5554.

Is xl7.6x7.0 an inequality?

No. To be an inequality, it must somewhere have a greater than, less than, greater-or-equal, or less-or-equal sign.

Is -5 a solution to this inequality x3?

"x3" is not an inequality. An inequality will have one of the following signs: less-than, less-than-or-equal, greater-than, greater-than-or-equal. for example: 3x - 5 < 15

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The inequality that fits this condition is that X is greater than 1.

What are the critical features of an inequality?

An inequality must have a greater than sign (>) OR a less than sign (<) OR a greater than or equal to sign (≥) OR a less than or equal to sign (≤).

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When will the graph of an equation inequality be a dotted line?

The line is dotted when the inequality is a strict inequality, ie it is either "less than" (<) or "greater than" (>). If there is an equality in the inequality, ie "less than or equal to" (≤), "greater than or equal to" (≥) or "equal to" (=) then the line is drawn as a solid line.

What is greater than and less than problems called?

An Inequality