17.5783958 = 175783958/10000000 or 87891979/5000000
0.7857142 = 7857142/10000000 = 3928571/5000000
0.4666666 = 4666666/10000000 = 2333333/5000000
if divided by 2 it is 5000000
0.0000002 = 2/10000000 = 1/5000000
800000000 + 10000000 + 5000000 + 30000 + 6000
0.2222222 = 2222222/10000000 = 1111111/5000000
10000000 + 5000000 + 700000 + 60000 = 1.576 x 107
One hundred thousand times bigger.
By the property of uniqueness of numbers, the only integer for 5000000 is 5000000.
10% of 5000000= 10% * 5000000= 0.1 * 5000000= 500000