Oh, absolutely! Just like adding a happy little tree to a painting can bring it to life, adding 7 to 3 gives you a total of 10. It's always nice to see numbers growing and working together harmoniously.
To calculate how much 10 is more than 3, you would subtract 3 from 10. The result is 7, meaning that 10 is 7 more than 3. This can also be expressed as a percentage increase, which would be (7/3) x 100 = 233.33%.
If the number is N, then 3 more is N+3, set equal to 7: N+3=7
It is: (7+3)*(11-5) = 60
It means what is the difference when you subtract a small number from a bigger one. For example "how many more than 4 is 7 ? The answer is 3 since 7-4 = 3
If the number is N, then 3 more is N+3, set equal to 7: N+3=7
It is (7+1)*3 = 24
It is: (7+3)*(11-5) = 60
7/10 is more than 2/3
It is: 4+3 = 7
2 + 5 = 7 7 - 3 = 4
Yes. 7/8 is more than 1/2 and a little less than 1, and 3/7 is less than 1/2.