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If an x-value is repeated but both values have the same image, you can still have a valid function.

x values not repeating is not sufficient if there is no image.

For example, consider 1/x and the domain as the integers -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3.

None of the x values repeats but there is no functional relationship because 1/x is not even defined for x = 0.

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Q: Is a function a relation if and only the x-values do not repeat in a given set?
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A function is an equation (a relation) which has only one y-value for every x-value. If a single x-value has more than one y-value, the equation is no longer called a function.

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The Vertical Line Test An example might be x=cos(y). At any value of x between -1 a nd +1 (a vertical line on the graph) this is multivalued (and so it is called "multivalued"). The relation is a function, because given y you can calculate x. x is a function of y. The relation between y and x can also be written y=cos-1(x) "y is the angle whose cosine is x". From that point of view you can say " y is not a function of x" because for each x, there is more than one y that satisfyies the equation. To summarize, in this example x is a function of y but y is not a function of x.

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