February 29 only happens ever four years (leap year). Yes, people are born on February 29.
If you were born February 29, 1997 you would have turned 13 in 2010.
If you are 29 years old you are born in may 6,1983
February only has 29 days on a leap year. As 2008 was a leap year, you can work it out from there. 2008-1992 = 16 years. 16 is a multiple of 4 so yes it was a leap year.
Ah, what a lovely question! In 1992, February had 29 days because it was a leap year. Isn't that just delightful? It's like nature's way of giving us a little extra time to appreciate the beauty around us.
If you were born on or before February 18th, in 1996, you were born in the year of the boar according to the Chinese zodiac. From February 19th on was the year of the rat.
Ja Rule was born on February 29, 1976
If you were born February 29, 1997 you would have turned 13 in 2010.
Morarji Desai was born on 29 February 1896. He was the fifth Indian prime minister.
Jaguar was born on February 29, 1932.
Khaled was born on February 29, 1960.
Leap day is treated like any other day. If you were born on February 29, then your birth certificate will say "February 29."
he was born in Karachi on 29 February 1847
February 29, 1972
Richard Ramirez was born on February 29, 1960.
Aileen Wuornos was born on February 29, 1956.
Michail Mouroutsos was born on February 29, 1980.
Dennis Farina was born on February 29, 1944.