

Is grade 6 hard

Updated: 4/28/2022
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13y ago

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Put it this way: If your work has given you acceptably good grades thus far in school, sixth grade is going to be no harder to adjust to than any previous grade was. More to a point: Does your schoolwork suddenly get much harder in sixth grade? No, it does not.

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It isn't that hard...about the same stuff as Grade 5 math...But, has a little more work and harder lessons to learn.

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Yes it is but I just have a bad teacher!!!

What is 6 grade like?

it is differant 4 all kids it can be hard and differant at first but it usally gets easier

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no 7th grade placement tests arent hard.

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I don't know because I haven't done and if you excuse me I have to go my room and DO SOME STUFFF.........................................

What grade r you in?

Grade 6 !!! (:

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If you keep stressing, the first day of Grade 8 will seem hard. When you can get use to all the work sometime, it will feel easy.