Put it this way: If your work has given you acceptably good grades thus far in school, sixth grade is going to be no harder to adjust to than any previous grade was. More to a point: Does your schoolwork suddenly get much harder in sixth grade? No, it does not.
no 7th grade placement tests arent hard.
60 percent is usually a D.
Yes because in grade 6 people will learn more stuff than in grade 5 people do!
Super Duper Hard So
Work Hard
It isn't that hard...about the same stuff as Grade 5 math...But, has a little more work and harder lessons to learn.
Yes it is but I just have a bad teacher!!!
it is differant 4 all kids it can be hard and differant at first but it usally gets easier
Yes! 4th grade is very hard! If your child is complaining listen to them!!!
no 7th grade placement tests arent hard.
a grade 5 is a hard level
I don't know because I haven't done and if you excuse me I have to go my room and DO SOME STUFFF.........................................
Grade 6 !!! (:
If you keep stressing, the first day of Grade 8 will seem hard. When you can get use to all the work sometime, it will feel easy.