Fourteen is a cardinal number. Its equivalent ordinal number is fourteenth. Its equivalent Roman numeral is XIV.
The ordinal number for the cardinal number 47 is written forty-seventh.
Fifth is Ordinal (tellls the "order" something is in..i.e.first, second, etc.)
Expressed in words, the equivalent ordinal number for the cardinal number 26 would be twenty-sixth.
Normally ordinal numbers refer to positive positions. Cardinal numbers are negative, zero or positive.
'Fifth' is the ordinal number of the cardinal number 5.
Cardinal. 5th would the be corresponding ordinal number.A cardinal number.
'Five' is cardinal, 'fifth' is ordinal.
The number 5 is cardinal. The ordinal form would be 5th
50 is a cardinal number. The ordinal form of 50 is 50th or fiftieth.
13 is a cardinal number, not an ordinal number.
It's an ordinal.
The ordinal number corresponding to the cardinal number thirty is thirtieth.
Fourteen is a cardinal number. Its equivalent ordinal number is fourteenth. Its equivalent Roman numeral is XIV.
I do not how
The cardinal number is 9
The ordinal number for the cardinal number 47 is written forty-seventh.