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One meter is roughly as big as one big step for a large person. For those not yet on the metric system, a meter is about a yard long, actually closer to 39 inches, so one yard plus 3 inches.

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Q: Is one meter as big as the length of one big step?
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What is the length of one BIG step in metric units?

About a meter.

What is the length of one big step?

Usually three feet.

How many km is 5953 steps?

It depends upon the length of each step. If each step was one meter, then you would multiply 5953 by one meter. This would give your the answer of 5,953 meters or 5.953 km.

What distance would you cover with one long step?

Twice the length of half a big step. There is no answer for this, as a big step for a baby might be 10cm, but for an adult male sprinter could be 10m, or for a cheetah could be as much as 30m.

Why is one meter in one meter in length?

i foot

How many steps are equal to one meter?

Oh, dude, like one step is about 0.75 meters for an average person. But, you know, it really depends on the size of your steps and how lazy you're feeling that day. So, like, if you're feeling super motivated, maybe it's like 1 step equals 1 meter in your world.

How big is a metre?

One ten-millionth of the length of the Meridian through Paris from the North Pole to the equator. A Meridian is the opposite of the Equator in a sense that it is Perpendicular to the Equator A meter is roughly the distance from the tip of you nose to the end of your outstreached arm

What is the length of one BIG step in the US Customary system?

"one direction"

About how many big steps would it take for a person to walk one kilometer?

The average size step is approximately one meter, so 1000 big steps.

What weight one meter?

A meter of what? Meter is a unit of length, not of weight.

What is The smallest unit of length shown There are 1000 of these in one meter?

The smallest unit of length shown is millimeters. There are 1000 millimeters in one meter.

How long is one meter centimeters?

One meter has a length of 100 centimeters.