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No, the OEN is assigned by the province and the student number is assigned by the school board.

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Q: Is your Ontario education number the same as your student number?
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Ontario. Teachers work you really hard and do not slack off like teachers I had when I was living in British Columbia. Also education is compulsory to age 18 in Ontario. Same with New Brunswick -Alberta also has one of the toughest and best educational systems in canada.

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The same as a students. both the teacher and student have the same number of days off.

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How do you say Ontario in spanish?

In Spanish, Ontario is still called the same way: Ontario.

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A simple key consists of a single attribute to uniquely identify an entity occurrence, for example, a student number, which uniquely identifies a particular student. No two students would have the same student number.

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As of 2016, over 16,000 same-sex couples had married in Ontario, Canada since it became legal in 2003. The number has increased since then, but specific data may not be readily available.

How much did Obama pay for higher education?

He paid the same amount as any student: he used a combination of loans, scholarships, and money his grandparents had saved up for his education. The exact amounts would be difficult to determine, since tuition at Columbia and at Harvard have both gone up considerably since he was a student.