time! (hours, minutes, years, months, days, seconds, milliseconds)
water. Anything that is liquid can be measured in liters.
4.5 ft
One side is inches, the other is centimetes (usually).
A small area.
time! (hours, minutes, years, months, days, seconds, milliseconds)
A yard of fabric is measured at 36 inches. A meter of fabric is 39. something something, just a slight half inch under 40 inches.
Whether you need to be measuring something in feet or inches depends on how big it is. If it is large, it likely needs to be measured in feet. If it is relatively small, inches should be fine.
a pencil is measured in inches
inches and on some motors are measured like 0.035 inches
Rainfall is typically measured in millimeters (mm) or inches (in).
Inches is measured by inch-tape.It is also measured by scale.
Sides are usually measured in units of length - such as metres or centimetres (or feet or inches). Sides are not measured in degrees.
CD case.