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Q: What is Something that is not measured in feet and inches?
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Does mean feet or inches?

Whether you need to be measuring something in feet or inches depends on how big it is. If it is large, it likely needs to be measured in feet. If it is relatively small, inches should be fine.

Is a vertical jump measured in feet or inches?


Would a pizza box be measured by inches or feet?


Are feet measured in inches?

12 inches= 1 foot

What can elevation can be measured?

Elevation can be measured in feet and inches, or metres and centimetres.

How is inches measured in feet?

For every foot of length there are 12 inches.

What can elevation be measured in?

Elevation can be measured in feet and inches, or metres and centimetres.

Would the length of a pair of pliers best be measured in inches or in feet?


Would a flagpole be measured in cubic inches?

i pretty sure it would be measured in feet

Is area and square feet the same?

No. Area can be measured in many different units - square feet, square inches, square meters, etc.No. Area can be measured in many different units - square feet, square inches, square meters, etc.No. Area can be measured in many different units - square feet, square inches, square meters, etc.No. Area can be measured in many different units - square feet, square inches, square meters, etc.

What is 5 x 8 feet in inches?

4 feet is equal to 48 inches and 6 feet is equal to 72 inches. A rectangle which measured 4 feet by 6 feet would have an area of 3456 square inches.

Is the length of an alligator an inch or feet?

I think it is measured in inches