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other side is 4, hypotenuse is 5

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Q: One leg of a right trianlge has a lengthof 3m the other sides have lengths that are consecutive integers find these lengths find these lengths?
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The length of the three sides of a right triangle are given by three consecutive even integers. Find the lengths of the three sides?


What is a quadrilateral with four right angles but with sides of unequal lengths?

a rectangle (that is NOT a square) has 4 right angles and consecutive sides of unequal lengths.

What are the consecutive sides of a quadrilateral?

The only thing that can be said about consecutive sides of a quadrilateral is that they meet at a vertex. There is no restriction on the angle, nor on their respective lengths.

What is the special name for three integers whose lengths form a right triangle?

Pythagorean triplets.

How many distinct equilateral triangles with a perimeter of 60 units have integer side lengths?

There is only one equilateral triangle with a perimeter of 60 units. Its side lengths are integers.

Quadrilateral formed by connecting the midpoints of consecutive sides?

A parallelogram with sides whose lengths are half the diagonals of the original quadrilateral.

The lengths of the side of a scalene triangle are consecutive integersthe perimeter of the tringles is 144what is the length of each side?

47, 48, and 49

What is the height and width and lengthof a 40 feet high cube container?

My friend, you just said the height. :P You just said that it is a 40 feet high cube. Since a cube has equal lengths all over, the width would obviously be 40 feet as well.

What are all the possible lengths for the sides of a triangle if the triangle's perimeter is 17 and the lengths of the sides are integers?

The sum of the lengths of two sides of a triangle must be greater than the length of the third so the following eight triangles will do: (1,8,8), (2,7,8), (3,6,8), (3,7,7), (4,5,8), (4,6,7), (5,5,7) and (5,6,6).

A triangle has a base 17 units long and the lengths of the other two sides are equal if the side lengths are integers what is the shortest possible side length?

9 is shortest integer side length greater than 17/2

Which set of numbers could be the lengths of the sides of the right triangles?

There are infinitely many triplets, and in general, they do not have a name. If all three are integers, then they are known as Pythagorean triplets.

How can you determine whether a triangle is a right triangle if you only have the lengths of its three sides?

The pathagoren theorm states that a2+ b2 = c2. If you put your lenghts into the equation and it comes out true (100=100), then the triangle is a right trianlge. If it is a false equation (100=30), then it is not a right triangle. Where a = lenght of leg 1, b = lenght of leg 2, and c = lenght of hypotenuse.