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Mode - the number that is repeated the most. Could all be unique numbers.

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Q: Out of the mean median and mode which one does a data set not have to have?
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Can a data set have the same mean median and mode?

yes it can. Imagine the set 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 well, the mode is obviously 1. there are ten 1s and 10*1/10=1 so the mean is one the median would be (1+1)/2=1 so the data has the same mean, medain and mode.

Is it possible for the mean meadian and mode of a data set to be the same number?

Yes, it is. One easy way for this to happen is if every number in a data set is the same: then it's the mean, median, and mode at the same time. That's not the only way for it to happen, of course. For example, if the data set is 1, 2, 2, 3 then the mean, median, and mode is 2.

How can you determine which measure of central tendency is best for the set if data?

Mean- If there are no outliers. A really low number or really high number will mess up the mean. Median- If there are outliers. The outliers will not mess up the median. Mode- If the most of one number is centrally located in the data. :)

What is another word for mode?

Another word for mode is "average." In statistics, the mode refers to the value that appears most frequently in a data set. It is one of the measures of central tendency, along with the mean and median. The mode can be useful for identifying the most common or popular data point in a set.

In any data set are the median and mean usually very similar in value?

yes they are if you have 0 and 10 the mean is 5 and so is the median. The mean and the median can in fact be the same value. But basically to answer your question, One possible way is that if the values are ascending by 1 in the data set, then the number of values left to the median should be the same as the number of values right to the median. e.g. 6+7+8+9+10 6,7 = 2 terms 9,10 = 2 terms median =8 mode = 8

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What is the median of 14?

With just one data point, the mean, median and mode are all the same as the data point itself. In this case, 14.

Does all statistical data have a mean median or mode?

It depends on the definition of mode. If mode is simply the most frequently occurring outcome and more than one outcome in the sample space is allowed to be the mode, then all datasets do have a mean, median, and mode.

What is the easiest to compute mean median or mode?

The mode is the only one of these measure which can be used with qualitative data: the mean or median are impossible to compute. Also, for a data set consisting of a relatively small number of observations of a discrete variable the mode or modal class is the easiest to find.

What is the mean median and mode of a lawyers salary?

Mean, median and mode are averages of sets of numbers, not one single one.

What is arithmetic median?

It is the number in the middle of the set from least to greatest or greatest to least. If you're having trouble, remember this song: Mean, median, mode.Mean, median, mode. Here's what they are. Here's what they are. The mean is the one that you add then divide. The median is the one in the middle of the line. The mode is the one you see most of the time. Mean, median, mode. Mean, median, mode.

Can a data set have the same mean median and mode?

yes it can. Imagine the set 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 well, the mode is obviously 1. there are ten 1s and 10*1/10=1 so the mean is one the median would be (1+1)/2=1 so the data has the same mean, medain and mode.

Is it possible for the mean meadian and mode of a data set to be the same number?

Yes, it is. One easy way for this to happen is if every number in a data set is the same: then it's the mean, median, and mode at the same time. That's not the only way for it to happen, of course. For example, if the data set is 1, 2, 2, 3 then the mean, median, and mode is 2.

What does mean median mode means?

Mean is an average of a list of numbers. Median is the middle of a list of numbers. Mode is the most common number in a list of numbers. Ex. 14 17 23 48 54, the Median would be 23, the mean would be 31.2, and the mode would be undefined. The mean, median, and mode are all measures of center for a data set. A measure of center is one way to get a single result that represents all of your data for a definitive answer to a math or science question. Mode is the number that shows up most in the data set. Mean (also known as average) is found after all the numbers in a data set are added together, and that sum is divided by how many numbers in the data set there are. Median is the number in the exact middle of the data set once the data set is put in the order of least to greatest value. If the number of numbers in the data set is even, and there are two medians, then you would find the mean of the median to get your true median. Here is an example. data set: 0,0,3, 4, 5,5,5, 66, 78, 80, 90, 99,99,99,99, 106 mode:99 median: 72 mean:48

What is the relation between mean median and mode?

In a symmetric distribution, the mean and the median are the same. Otherwise there is no relation. In symmetric distributions with only one mode, the mode will coincide with the mean and median, but otherwise there is no relation.

What is a set of data for a mean of 12 a mode of 10 and a median of 12?

There are infinitely many sets. One possible set is {10,10,12,13,15}

A single, extremely large value can affect the median more than the mean?

A single, extremely large value can affect the median more than the mean because One-half of all the data values will fall above the mode, and one-half will fall below the mode. In a data set, the mode will always be unique. The range and midrange are both measures of variation.

Can the mode and median for a data set be the same or different?

mode-the most (highest # in a set of data) median-the middle # when you put a set of data in order from least to greatest let's take for example a reasonable set of 10,3,4,5,7,5,9 3,4,5,5,7,9,10 3,4,5,5,7,9,10 and than your mode 5 because there was two 5's so YES IT IS POSSIBLE TO HAVE THE SAME MEDIAN AND MODE FOR ONE SET OF DATA DEPENDING ON WHAT THAT SET OF DATA IS