That's basically any number with a minus sign. For example, -3, -0.0001, -pi, etc.
Numbers less than zero are "negative numbers".
In the real world "zerominus" is meaningless. Zero is neither plus nor minus. All minus (negative) numbers is less than zero.
No. The product of two negative numbers is positive.
It is true that all negative numbers are less than zero. Think of a number line, zero is to the right of each negative number. Think real world, if you owed $500 to the bank would you have more money or less money than someone who owed $0?
Whenever you multiply two negative real numbers.
Positive numbers are greater than zero and negative numbers are less than zero. They are both collectively referred to as real numbers.
Numbers less than zero are "negative numbers".
In the real world "zerominus" is meaningless. Zero is neither plus nor minus. All minus (negative) numbers is less than zero.
Non-Zero Real Numbers are infact complex conjugate numbers. They are negative prime numbers.
negative numbers
No. The product of two negative numbers is positive.
For all the values of x that are less than one and greater than zero.
Negative numbers are less than zero, not more.
No. All negative numbers are less than zero.
It is true that all negative numbers are less than zero. Think of a number line, zero is to the right of each negative number. Think real world, if you owed $500 to the bank would you have more money or less money than someone who owed $0?
Positive numbers, otherwise known as real numbers.
No. Their product is always greater than 0.