12 and 15 have a sum of 27 and a difference of 3. Their LCM is 60.
Since the product of two numbers is equal to the product of their GCF and LCM, the GCF of two numbers is equal to their product divided by their LCM and their LCM is equal to their product divided by their GCF.
The LCM for the numbers 12 and 15 is: 60
60 + 12 = 72 60 - 12 = 48 The two numbers are therefore 60 and 12.
The LCM=60
30 and 60 have an LCM of 60.
You need at least two numbers to find an LCM.
Any set of numbers has an infinite number of multiples. 3 and 5 have 15, 30, 45, 60 and on and on. The smallest of these, 15, is the Least Common Multiple, or LCM.
LCM is least common multiple of two or more numbers. LCM of 12 and 15 is 60.
5 and 12
20 and 30
The LCM of 30 and 60 is 60
30 and 60
You need at least two numbers to find an LCM. If that's 4 and 15, the LCM is 60.
12 and 15 have a sum of 27 and a difference of 3. Their LCM is 60.