The number being divided in a division problem is called the dividend.
The answer to a long division problem is a quotient.
Not sure what your question is. If what you are asking is for the terms used in a division problem, they are: (1) the divisor: the number that is being used to divide by; (2) the dividend: the number that is being divided; and (3) the quotient: the result (or answer) of the division.
To check the answer to a division question, multply the divisor (the number that is being divided into the dividend) and the quotient (the answer). If there is a remainder, add the remainder to the answer. If the number matches the dividend, your answer to the division problem is correct.
The number being divided in a division problem is called the dividend.
The dividend.
The dividend.
a dividend
The dividend.
The dividend is the number that is being divided in a division problem. It is the number that is being divided by the divisor to get the quotient.
The number being divided is the dividend, which is being divided by the divisor to equal the quotient. (dividend) ÷ (divisor) = (quotient)
The number being divided is called the dividend.The number doing the dividing is called the divisor.
The answer to a long division problem is a quotient.
The proper name for the doghouse in a division problem is the "dividend." It is the number being divided.
In long division, the divisor is the number outside the division sign (it's the number that the first number is being divided by). So in this problem, the divisor would be 2.
Not sure what your question is. If what you are asking is for the terms used in a division problem, they are: (1) the divisor: the number that is being used to divide by; (2) the dividend: the number that is being divided; and (3) the quotient: the result (or answer) of the division.