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Q: The product of 2 and a number?
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What is the product of the first prime number?

The first prime number is 2. The product of 2, since there is no other number by which to multiply it, is 2.

What is the greatest product of 2?

There is no such number. If someone claimed that x was such a number then x+2 would be (a) a greater number and (b) a product of 2. So then x could not be such a number.

Is the product of three irrational numbers always an irrational number?

No. The easiest counter-example to show that the product of two irrational numbers can be a rational number is that the product of √2 and √2 is 2. Likewise, the cube root of 2 is also an irrational number, but the product of 3√2, 3√2 and 3√2 is 2.

Which number is the product?

A product is the answer to a multiplication problem. In the problem 2 x 2 = 4, 4 is the product.

What is the product of prime number of 96?

product of prime number of 96 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 3

What is the product of the complex number a plus bi and its conjugate?

The product is a^2 + b^2.

What is the product of 2 and an odd number?

An even number

What is a product of prime number 64?

The answer to this convoluted question is as follows: The product of prime numbers, for the composite number 64, is 2*2*2*2*2*2 or 26

What do you call the number that when multiplide by andother number results in a product of 1?

Reciprocals, like 2 and 1/2, have a product of 1.

The number 76 as a product of prime factors?

The number 76 as a product of its prime factors is: 2 x 2 x 19

How do you write a number as a product?

The number 4 is a product of 2 x 2, for example.

What is the product of a number increased by 2 and the number 4?

4*(n + 2)