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Let the numbers be x and y such that x < y. So we can say that y = x + 3. Since the sum of their reciprocals is 7/10 we write:

1/x + 1/(x + 3) = 7/10 (multiply each term to both sides by the common denominator, 10x(x + 3))

10(x + 3) + 10x = 7x(x + 3)

10x + 30 + 10x = 7x2 + 21x (subtract 20x and 30 to both sides)

0 = 7x2 + x - 30

0 = (7x + 15)(x - 2)

7x + 15 = 0 or x - 2 = 0

x = -15/7 or x = 2

y = x + 3

y = -15/7 + 3 = (-15 + 21)/7 = 6/7

y = 2 + 3 = 5

The numbers are -15/7 and 6/7, or 2 and 5.

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Q: Two Numbers differ by 3 the sum of there reciprocal is 7 over 10 What are the numbers?
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