Pythagoras is widely remembered for his theorem, which gave us lots of information about triangles that can be widely used in real life and geometry.
he discovered square roots by comparing square piles of rocks
Pythagoras was born in Samos, in Ionia, around 570 BC. His father was Mnesarchus and his mother may have been named Pythias (his birth name was associated with the Pythian or Delphic worship of Apollo).
what qualificationa do pythagoras have.
Pythagoras was Greek.
Pythagoras drowned him.
Nothing he was murdered
he was born with one testicle lolol
Are there any special facts or unusual stories about mission Santa Barbara.
Are there any special facts or unusual stories about mission Santa Barbara.
are there any special facts or unusual storeys about mission santa cruz
It's homosexual.
they trap the divers
he discovered square roots by comparing square piles of rocks
=they swim at 32 mph=
Goldfish have a three secound memory