Some interesting facts about the number nineteen are you get to move out of the house and you are old enough to drive.
Pythagoras is widely remembered for his theorem, which gave us lots of information about triangles that can be widely used in real life and geometry.
Some interesting facts are: It has 3 zeroes It is written six thousand In vietnamese it is written sau ngan and it has four numbers
Yes, many.
Pythagoras was born in Samos, in Ionia, around 570 BC. His father was Mnesarchus and his mother may have been named Pythias (his birth name was associated with the Pythian or Delphic worship of Apollo).
what are some interesting facts about panther
Firstly, you spelt interesting wrong Nonetheless one INTERESTING fact that some believe that Pythagoras stole his formula from the babylonians who stole it from the Indians.
its cold
she is awesome
you are wrong
Some interesting facts about pelicans are the stink and love to be romantic
she is very cute
he was GREAT artist