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monique robles

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Q: What- the sides of the shelf shown are parallel.Which of these segments must be parallel?
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The lines shown below are parallel. If the green line has a slope of -,1/2 what is the slope of the red line?

-1/2 (APEX)

Why do you need parallel lines and perpendicular lines in your lives?

Construction, engineering, drawing, and architecture all use parallel and perpendicular lines. Other than that, it is an important topic because you are learning how to apply the language and tools of mathematics to an intuitive system. These topics have proven important in the history of human kind and also many before you have shown that by learning about parallel and perpendicular lines, one learns how to use math and logic. It is doubtful that you can make a living off of parallel and perpendicular lines, but if you can't understand parallel and perpendicular lines, then I worry about your future.

What is the difference between marked and selling price?

Marked price is the one shown on the label, or price tag attached to the product or displayed on the shelf. The selling price will include any discount or special offer. In most countries local and national taxes are included in both.

Which of the following is a point on the line shown ab b ac d?

We're having a bit of trouble making out the line shown. "ab" and "ac" would not be the labels of a point ... they would be the labels of two line segments both emanating from the same point called "a". So your point has to be either 'b' or 'd' or both. We'll be able to put a finer point on it if you'll let us have a look at the picture of the line that goes along with the question.

A triangle ABC and its translated image XYZ are shown at right?

No, nothing is shown at right!

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Which picture shows a pair of perpendicular line segments?

A pair of perpendicular line segments is not shown among the pictures you've submitted.

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No, it could not. A triangle cannot have a perimeter of length zero.

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The lines shown below are parallel. If the green line has a slope of -2, what is the slope of the red line?

-2 (APEX)

The lines shown below are parallel. If the green line has a slope of -2 what is the slope of the red line?


What figure appears to have exactly two parallel sides?

If "appears to have" allows actually has, then a trapezium or trapezoid. If "appears to have" means does not actually have but only looks as if it does then a figure with non-parallel sides, shown from some particualr perspective.