To convert 3085 thousandths to a decimal, you simply move the decimal point three places to the left. This results in 3.085 as the decimal equivalent of 3085 thousandths. Remember that each place to the right of the decimal represents a power of 10, with the first place being tenths, the second hundredths, and the third thousandths.
As a decimal, 75 thousandths is .075
Seventy thousandths written as a decimal is 0.070
536 thousandths in decimal notation is 0.536
3 and 852 thousandths as a decimal = 3.852
Seven thousandths in decimal form is 0.007
Oh, dude, you're hitting me with the big numbers. So, 3085 thousands is basically just 3085 with three zeros tacked on, right? So, in decimal form, that would be 3.085 million. Easy peasy, lemon squeezy.
603 thousandths as a decimal is 0.603.
The decimal for ten and eleven thousandths is 10.011
one thousandths = 0.001 in decimal
thirty thousandths = 0.030 in decimal
567 thousandths can be written as the decimal 0.567.
8 thousandths in decimal notation = 0.008
As a decimal, 75 thousandths is .075
Seventy thousandths written as a decimal is 0.070
52 thousandths in decimal form = 0.052
Six thousandths in decimal form is 0.006