If you want to find numbers that are divisible by BOTH 4 and 5, then you take their product, which is 20 and find multiples of twenty (20, 40, 60, 80, etc.)
Anything that is a multiple of twenty will always be divisible by both 4 and 5, since twenty is.
For example:
60 divided by 4 = 15
60 divided by 5 = 12
Same with 80
80 divided by 4 = 20
80 divided by 5 = 16
If yo just want to find numbers divisible by EITHER 4 or 5, then you find multiples
Multiples of 4: 8, 12, 16, 24, 28, 32, 36, etc.
Multiples of 5: 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, etc.
Divisible by 5
There are infinitely many numbers divisible by 5 and 4. 680 is one of them.
No. 26 for instance the sum of the digits is 8 but not divisible by 4. 32 the sum of the digits is 5 but divisible by 4 The rules for some other numbers are 2 all even numbers are divisible by 2 3 The sum of the digits is divisible by 3 4 The last 2 numbers are divisible by 4 5 The number ends in a 0 or 5 6 The sum of the digits is divisible by 3 and is even 7 no easy method 8 The last 3 numbers are divisible by 8 9 The sum of the digits is divisible by 9
76 is divisible by some of those numbers, but not all of them. 76 is an even number that ends in 6. It is divisible by 2. The sum of the digits of 76 (13) is not evenly divisible by 3. 76 is not divisible by 3. 4 times 19 is 76. 76 is divisible by 4. Only numbers that end in 0 and 5 are divisible by 5. 76 is not divisible by 5. 6 and 9 do not divide evenly into 76, so 76 is not divisible by 6 and 9. Only numbers that end in 0 are divisible by 10. 76 is not divisible by 10. Of the numbers listed, 76 is only divisible by 2 and 4.
The numbers that are divisible by 5 has 5 or 0 at the end.So,this numbers are divisible by 5.5,10,15,25,555,10000,etc.
Divisible by 5
Oh, dude, numbers that are divisible by both 4 and 5 are multiples of their least common multiple, which is 20. So, like, 20, 40, 60, and so on are all numbers that fit the bill. But hey, who's counting, right?
There are infinitely many numbers divisible by 5 and 4. 680 is one of them.
All whole numbers are divisible by 1. Numbers are divisible by 2 if they end in 2, 4, 6, 8 or 0. Numbers are divisible by 3 if the sum of their digits is divisible by 3. Numbers are divisible by 4 if the last two digits of the number are divisible by 4. Numbers are divisible by 5 if the last digit of the number is either 5 or 0. Numbers are divisible by 6 if they are divisible by 2 and 3. Numbers are divisible by 9 if the sum of their digits is equal to 9 or a multiple of 9. Numbers are divisible by 10 if the last digit of the number is 0.
No. 26 for instance the sum of the digits is 8 but not divisible by 4. 32 the sum of the digits is 5 but divisible by 4 The rules for some other numbers are 2 all even numbers are divisible by 2 3 The sum of the digits is divisible by 3 4 The last 2 numbers are divisible by 4 5 The number ends in a 0 or 5 6 The sum of the digits is divisible by 3 and is even 7 no easy method 8 The last 3 numbers are divisible by 8 9 The sum of the digits is divisible by 9
76 is divisible by some of those numbers, but not all of them. 76 is an even number that ends in 6. It is divisible by 2. The sum of the digits of 76 (13) is not evenly divisible by 3. 76 is not divisible by 3. 4 times 19 is 76. 76 is divisible by 4. Only numbers that end in 0 and 5 are divisible by 5. 76 is not divisible by 5. 6 and 9 do not divide evenly into 76, so 76 is not divisible by 6 and 9. Only numbers that end in 0 are divisible by 10. 76 is not divisible by 10. Of the numbers listed, 76 is only divisible by 2 and 4.
1, 2, 4, 5, and 10
No, Venn diagrams are not numbers or expressions and so are not divisible by 4 and 5, or by any other number!
40,000, 80,000
60 and its multiples.